What is a Comprehensive Chemical Health Assessment in MN?
A Comprehensive Chemical Health Assessment (schedule: 612-249-3656) is a short, one-time interview between a person who may have an alcohol or drug problem and a mental health professional. During the interview, the clinician determines if a person has a diagnosable “substance use disorder,” which is a medical condition that is also known as alcoholism, chemical dependency, or drug addiction.
What are some other names for a Comprehensive Chemical Health Assessment MN?
Chemical Health Assessments have many different names, all being very similar in nature. Some of the other common names are Chemical Dependency Evaluation, CD Evaluation, Alcohol Assessment, Chemical Health Evaluation, Chemical Use Assessment, Alcohol Assessment, and Rule 25 Assessment. Essentially, all of these assessments evaluate overall chemical health and the need for treatment services.
How to pass a chemical health assessment?
The fear of being mislabeled or misdiagnosed as an alcoholic or drug addict is a valid concern. This can lead to costly treatment or “rehab” that takes a person out of society for many weeks.
Make sure to meet with a “private” evaluator who will listen to you and utilize your thoughts during the assessment. Call 612.249.3656 to speak to Michael, a court- and MN-certified private evaluator.
Evaluators screen for the following symptoms of substance abuse and chemical dependency, or what is now referred to as substance use disorders:
Taking the substance in larger amounts or for longer than the you meant to
Wanting to cut down or stop using the substance but not managing to
Spending a lot of time getting, using, or recovering from use of the substance
Cravings and urges to use the substance
Not managing to do what you should at work, home or school, because of substance use
Continuing to use, even when it causes problems in relationships
Giving up important social, occupational or recreational activities because of substance use
Using substances again and again, even when it puts the you in danger
Continuing to use, even when the you know you have a physical or psychological problem that could have been caused or made worse by the substance
Needing more of the substance to get the effect you want (tolerance)
Development of withdrawal symptoms, which can be relieved by taking more of the substance.
Before an evaluator can diagnose a “substance use disorder” and recommend treatment services, they must determine severity. In general, the more severe the problem, the more intense of a treatment is recommended.
Less than four symptoms, “mild.”
Four or five symptoms, “moderate.”
More than five symptoms, “severe.”
However according to research, not all evaluators base their decision to send a person to treatment on these criteria. This can be due to a lack of training. This can also be due to bias as treatment center evaluators may feel pressure to increase referrals into their services, and send people to expensive, intensive treatment. This may be profitable for the treatment center, but would lead to inappropriate, burdensome treatment.
To ensure you are listened to during your MN evaluation and have a correct diagnosis, make sure to hire a private evaluator who works for you and understands that you know yourself and your situation better than anyone else. Call (612) 249-3656 to speak to Michael, a medical professional who conducts chemical health assessments in private practice.
Where are you located?
You can come to our local office in the twin cities. Appointments are also available throughout the surrounding metro:
Downtown Minneapolis
South Minneapolis
Southwest Minneapolis
Northeast Minneapolis
Southeast Minneapolis
Calhoun-Isles Minneapolis neighborhood
Camden Minneapolis neighborhood
Central Minneapolis neighborhood
Dinkytown Minneapolis
Longfellow Minneapolis neighborhood
Near North Minneapolis neighborhood
Nokomis Minneapolis neighborhood
Phillips Minneapolis neighborhood
Powderhorn Minneapolis neighborhood
University Minneapolis neighborhood
Midtown Minneapolis neighborhood
Stadium Village Minneapolis neighborhood
Prospect Park Minneapolis neighborhood
Warehouse District Minneapolis neighborhood
Old St. Anthony Minneapolis neighborhood
Mills District Minneapolis neighborhood
Saint Anthony Main Minneapolis neighborhood
Minnehaha Minneapolis neighborhood
Como Saint Paul neighborhood
Creek Highwood Saint Paul neighborhood
Daytons Bluff Saint Paul neighborhood
Downtown Saint Paul neighborhood
Eastview Battle Saint Paul neighborhood
Greater East Side Saint Paul neighborhood
Hamline Midway Saint Paul neighborhood
Highland Park Saint Paul neighborhood
Lexington Hamline Saint Paul neighborhood
Macalester Groveland Saint Paul neighborhood
Merriam Park Saint Paul neighborhood
North End Saint Paul neighborhood
Payne Phalen Saint Paul neighborhood
Snelling Hamline Saint Paul neighborhood
St Anthony Park Saint Paul neighborhood
Summit Hill Saint Paul neighborhood
Summit University Saint Paul neighborhood
Thomas Dale Saint Paul neighborhood
Union Park Saint Paul neighborhood
West Seventh Saint Paul neighborhood
West Side Saint Paul neighborhood
Uptown Minneapolis